Artistic residency: artist in situ


What every human enterprise builds and pursues is a project to which we give a meaning, a reality, according to a personal desire, the collective force of a will, of a work.
Artistic creation participates in this same impulse of co-construction, and can serve this development.
The "artist-in-residence in enterprise" makes creation with the complicity of all its actors; enterprises, associations which also work for the health of the collective through creativity, we open you to new means, tools and perspectives for a human communication. 

the man with the camera - Dziga Vertov
Production / diffusion:
  • Participatory conference: "The Virtues of Spontaneity"".
  • Creation of collective works (theater, cinema, writing, plastic arts)
  • staging and audiovisual production of a communication event, a message that the company wishes to communicate.
  • live webcasting of events.

