

La Compagnie du Nouveau Monde produces or co-produces shows that bring to the fore poetic, innovative and often offbeat creations.
Presented in theaters, museums, galleries and multi-purpose halls, our creations are tailored to these spaces, inventing tailor-made participatory moments with the audience.
The company integrates professionals and experienced amateurs, depending on the project and the means of production. Each project is unique, and is produced in a different way each time.
The notion of collective creation is also one of the axes of our productions, as are formation-créations: a form that includes workshop time in the creative process, culminating in public performances; theater, cinema, events, performances.

2019 : La Cité sans Sommeil, by Jean Tardieu - EPA Vernon-Ferme-Chapiteau Lommoye-Maison de la poésie Val de Reuil-

2015: Théâtre sans animaux, by JM Ribes-co-productionthéâtre du 2ème Souffle -

2012: Du pinceau à la mine / based on the writings of Maurice Denis Lecture mise en image - MDIG

2011: Bonnard / Excerpts from "Elle, par bonheur toujours nue" by Guy Gofette Lecture mise en image - MDIG

1999: Les Articulteurs, EPA-Vernon creative residency

1998: Crise de Lire, creative residency EPA-Vernon

1996-99: Le Trompe-l'œil venue show programming

1989: La Découverte du Nouveau Monde, based on the play by JJ Rousseau - Centre des Arts de Pointe à Pitre, Guadeloupe, Festival de la Butte Montmartre, Paris