Théâtre de Création Spontané

Spontaneous theater is a theatrical form in its own right, a school of life, creation and freedom for the actor, whether amateur or professional.
It enables collective and personal development, a form of commitment, attention and listening to oneself and to others.
It is a dramatic art of spontaneous creation, connected to intuition, by bringing emotions into play.
Weekly workshops or intensive courses offer the tools to create characters
and situations, based on a series of practical exercises, training and tools.
Clément Révérend, actor and director, trained at Alain Knapp's Ecole de l'Acteur-Créateur ( founder of Théâtre-Création in Lausanne), then graduated from ENSATT (école nationale supérieure du théâtre, Paris), and is currently a teacher-researcher with the European Tamus project, promoting mental health through theater. He has developed an original approach to this theatrical practice, enabling everyone to appropriate the mechanisms of acting and dramatic creation.

Workshops and courses are offered in which participants work on :
- body and voice in the performance space.
- stage presence, improvised text, active listening, live scripting, acting out emotions.
- character creation, staging a play situation in the present, in a variety of formats.

An improvised scene is a game between emotion, imagination and cognition.

At the end of each session or work sequence, the working group is put in a public performance situation, to perform improvised scenes collectively and individually, in interaction with your audience.

  • Training Sessions 2024-2025 :
    Mondays from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
    except school vacations
    i.e. 12 sessions/session

1. Autumn session
September: 2 free trial sessions
16th, 23rd and 30th
October: : 7 and 16
November: : 4, 11, 18 and 25
December: 2, 9 and 16
Price: 180 euros - reduced 160 euros

2. Spring session
March: 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31
April:: 28
May: 5, 12, 19 and 26
June: 2 and 9
Price: 180 euros - reduced 160 euros

 RATE 1 and 2 sessions: 300 euros