(L') IMMEDIATHEATRE is a concept and a practice
for an "Art of Spontaneous Theatre".

The Théâtre de Création Spontané, inspired in particular by the work of Jacob Levy Moreno, with its humanist psychodrama and theater of spontaneity, brings here a dimension that is aesthetic, artistic and "incidentally therapeutic".
, an experience, a commitment and a dramatic requirement.

Set up as a genuine method of approaching a form of dramatic creation, it enables you todevelop,imagine and express interacting dramatic situations and characters in a direct, instinctive, immediate and spontaneous way.

immédiathéâtre has also given rise to a format adapted to prevention and care for well-being, and in the field of mental health,
with a program christened HEALTHEATRE,
from the TAMUS project (Erasmus+/European Union)

illustration: © Gérard Garouste